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Annual General Meeting 2023

Westoba’s Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday, April 26 at 7:00 PM CDT 

On Microsoft Teams.  


By-law amendments 

Members attending the AGM will be asked to vote on a Special Resolution to approve a number of By-law amendments. The full text of the proposed By-laws is available on request for member review at all branches of the Credit Union and linked below:  

A summary of the proposed By-law amendments special resolution is available, here.



APRIL 10 – APRIL 21 


All members wanting to attend the AGM, including staff and the Board must register online in advance between April 10, 2023, and April 21, 2023, at 5:00 PM to participate. 


As part of the registration process, members must provide the following information, which will be verified against information on file: 

  • First and Last Name 
  • Postal Code 
  • Last Four Numbers of Member Card 
  • Email Address 

The form to register for the AGM will be LIVE on our website by 9 AM on Monday, April 10 




How do I register a joint member?  

Only one member from a joint account is eligible to vote – it can be either the primary or secondary. Either member will need to fill out the registration information.  


How do businesses register? 

Businesses will need to fill out this Proxy Form and email it to 


How to Register and Attend the AGM  

To view our guide on how to register and attend, click here.