Annual General Meeting
As a subsidiary of Westoba Credit Union, MAXA Financial members are able to attend the Annual General Meeting.
This year we are hosting our AGM virtually on Wednesday, April 28th 7:00 PM CDT via Microsoft Teams Virtual Meeting. Registration will open at 6:00 PM.
All AGM attendants must register in advance of the Annual General Meeting to participate as a voting member. Online registration closed April 26th, 2021 at 8:00 PM. If you missed the online registration deadline, please call 1-866-366-MAXA to register through Virtual Services.
As part of the registration process, members must provide the following information, which will be verified against information on file:
- First and Last Name
- Postal Code
- Last Four Numbers of MemberCard
- Email Address
- Phone Number
By-law Amendment
Members attending the AGM will be asked to vote by special resolution on By-law amendments. It is proposed that the By-laws of the Credit Union will be amended by repealing certain provisions of the existing By–laws and enacting new ones. In addition to ensuring conformity with legislative requirements, the amendments will impact future meetings. An explanation of the changes will be completed at the AGM.
The full text of the proposed By-law amendments is available on request for member review at all branches of the Credit Union. Click here to view the special resolution.
For more information on how to register and attend the AGM, click here.